About Me

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I am a wondering soul under the watch of My King. I have no place I call my home because I am made to dwell in a different capacity. This journey is merely an adventure, one that will come to an end and the steps I take now are taking me closer to My Home. I live to love and glorify My King, under His keep I do not idly sit and wait, I tenaciously run a race that is challenging but not impossible, and worth everything I am. Sometimes I lose sight of what I am running to but it is then I am reminded I was promised safe passage through the sea.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Dear Yesterday,

You are my yesterday, not in tomorrow or the day after that. The difference is I am stronger. Yes, stronger than yesterday. I'm not willing to go down that mountain again..

I see down there toward the lillies and deceptively disguised wolves. They seem so close but so far away.. If God is the defender and the righteous judge, I guess there is no room for me to even investigate the difference. But tomorrow I'll look forward, to the dawn of this new day. Run ahead 'Therefore since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus the source and perfecter of our faith...' Hebrews 12:1,2

No longer will this slow me down, no longer will it tangle me in confusion or heartache.

No more yesterdays. Only tomorrows.

Lord, give us the strength to climb this mountain and never look back.

With the shell of what used to be my love,


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